Mumblee wrote:Catbert wrote:I don't believe that GM thunder is a pivotal function of the game. GMs rarely need to interact with players, let alone large crowds of players. When they do, broadcast seems to be enough and if the server needs to send a message then the Zerver console is already there for that.
While thunder was nice for events, the players should be encouraged to host their own events so that the community is more self-preserving and the GMs end up with more time. My over the top events ended up wasting my time and pissing off a lot of people, so if that provides any perspective as to where I come from..
I'd like to express agreement with the idea of not making monsters 100% resistant to all forms of magic, unless others of the same difficulty are made 100% resistant to physical damage. I believe Zer went a little overboard against mages when he did that with STT and a number of other monsters made around that time.
Truthfully, Cat, that's complete BS. That's just what we told YOU, because every time you ran an event you would give out a Jesus's Godsword of Holy McPwnzalot to every person who competed, and then drop 9 infinity billion gold on the ground as the final prize.
It's plenty easy to run an event without going overboard, though. For the rest of us, that is.
I did go overboard with the jesuslike pr0nswords of pwnage, Eric. I do recall Fiend, Gohma and a number of other people (especially Aaron) back in the day running way more harmful events though. The thing I did that was very wrong was that randomized item generating npc that sold chances at a rare item for 50k gold. To my defense, I don't recall Coma having a problem with it at the time nor do I remember it being exactly "fair" in how it was randomized if you catch my meaning (see: Charles script).
I stopped after you asked me and as you might recall thanks to a few other issues you all had with me and as you might further recall, I resigned under the false pretense of giving Muff 120 million gold. At the time, I figured quitting would help get some work done since I would not be there holding you back. Even though that turned out to be incorrect, I do believe Djiin and to a lesser extent you have made a lot of progress and that is good for the game. I hope you guys can get map6 done in a productive manner now that worthless GMs like I was aren't around to screw things up:P Personally, I think I was a worse moderator than a GM because everyone hated me even more back then. I think I figured that if I did leet events that less of the game would dislike me and that was a bad call.
Even if it was BS, Eric, you and Ron were right when you told me that. Get rid of GM item spawning and that thunder command, and let the moderators deal with the players. My main job was supposed to be working on the game, but I probably did at least as much damage in that regard too since my map editting sucked and my NPCs were over the top and/or without practical function.
At any rate, you were right the first time.
I guess coming from one of the worst gms this client, my comments aren't exactly credible but I wish they would be considered regardless:D