Topic: Equipment suggestion?
Not sure if this has been suggested before or not..but I will give it a go anyway..
Purpose: kinda anti cheating on the equip system
Idea: make a good use of all the status
Here it the present the equipment system does not require exact same status to eq the items..most of the players get the item(s) which add status to help and make it up the status to equip certain items, then they would take it off and the item stays on forever until it breaks/players take it off. So I wonder if that is possible to make it work like Diablo 2 or other games, you will need to either have the exact stat to equip the item or else the item wouldn't be able to function as you dont have enough status. (eg, 500 str for aegis and you must have exact 500 str or else the aegis either wouldn't show up on display character screen nor if it would be functionable). This would perhaps encourage the players to "waste" some skill points on what they want to wear unless they have items to make up for the status for another high requirement item(s). Sorry for my bad english and hope you guys understand it.