Topic: About HIDSharp V2.0.5 work on Mac system
We design one type HID device using at WIN and Mac system both; I have No.1 and No.2 HID device with different serial number, at windows platform when we plug and unplug HID, the operation system internal can be refreshed in time, so I can always get right serial number. But mac system is something difference, when I replace No1 with No2 Hid Device, the operation system already refresh device list, but HIDsharp related api can not get the latest one even I add list.changed.
Could you give me some advice on how to fix?
Thanks in advance
DeviceList list = DeviceList.Local;
list.Changed += (sender, e) => Console.Write("Device list changed.\n"); //20181217
HidDevice[] hidDeviceList = list.GetHidDevices().ToArray();
List<string> arraylist = new List<string>();
arraylist.Clear(); //Clear buffer
foreach (HidDevice onehid in hidDeviceList)
if ( onehid.VendorID == 0x0483 && onehid.ProductID == 0x5710)
if (arraylist.Count() == 0)
throw new Exception("not found device");
return arraylist.ToArray();