Topic: Farming

Hey Jimmy... heres an idea for farming!
Since there are really only four things that can be farmed... you should add Apple Trees and Starberry bushes... Starberry bushes give you like 50 starberries.. or maybe more... and Apple Trees (which take a long long time) can give you like 80 apples and 100logs!
And houses... which this may really be more towards Aaron, but includes you as well... should each have their own little farm... but when you buy a house.. you choose.. like lets say, the rent would normally be 80gp a day... if you choose to use the farm, its 100gp a day instead.. but if you choose not to, its 80... and using the farm lets you plant like lets say an apple tree that lasts for... a faldon month... giving you apples whenever you need them, but not logs until it dies... and you could plant wheat that keeps growing back whenever it rains... but only the house owner can pick it smile

I don't have a signature! *gasping mouth open.. eats a whole turkey*
mmm.. the essence of zur


Re: Farming

Wow that sounds like a lot of work big_smile

Unfortunately I think it would be a little too much work for the outcome of it all. I cannot imagine many house owners opting to pay more for a farm that they could simply farm outside anyways.

Farming is just not a good enough skill to warrant having to pay to use it everyday.


Re: Farming

maybe you didn't understand...
Farming outside of the player owned farm... would cause the plant to go through one cycle...
where as farming inside the farm... allows the plant to remain for a faldon month, and be harvested every now and then.. so the player can just go and harvest it without having to plant and grow and worry about seedsand water and such.... especially with an addition of trees which would take like 7-10 minutes to grow each... smile
and maybe bringing back Player owned NPCs would be a rather cool thing to do!

I don't have a signature! *gasping mouth open.. eats a whole turkey*
mmm.. the essence of zur


Re: Farming

I don't think that this would be useful unless we had a wipe..


Re: Farming

Zurish i understood exactly what you said but i still dont think the amount of work to get that done would equal the amount of interest people would have.


Re: Farming

i know for a fact that not eating causes your health/energy/mana regeneration rate to lower.. and eventually stop... and then eventually you start losing some... and can die from it.

I don't have a signature! *gasping mouth open.. eats a whole turkey*
mmm.. the essence of zur


Re: Farming

Well I have never died or mana stoped, but yea dieing shouldnt remove your hunger, that would make food worth alot more.

I keep my ideals, because in spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart.


Re: Farming

well i happen to think that maybe it was a bug... because last client we died from hunger.. and well i mean it being a bug that we don't this client.. when we should... but i have experienced on ZTM complete and total mana regen stop... he has high magic.. and i'd be at half a bar, auraed... and gain nothing

I don't have a signature! *gasping mouth open.. eats a whole turkey*
mmm.. the essence of zur


Re: Farming

Well npc/ground scripts for trees/plants would be very easy to do.

I keep my ideals, because in spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart.


Re: Farming

pick as in.. the exact same way we get water...
you see, last client.. we had massive farms... and there would be like 50 whea plants, and you'd get like 15 wheat or maybe more from each.. and we'd just run in and start picking em to do cooking...

I don't have a signature! *gasping mouth open.. eats a whole turkey*
mmm.. the essence of zur