Topic: Beta Test

I know it's still kind of early, but what kind of testing is going to be done?  Is there going to be open beta, or only for those who are selected?  Will the old client still be run while there is beta testing for the new client?  I'm just getting excited about the progress.  I remember the first time I looked at this site and there was only one or two things crossed off on Zer's to-do list, now it all but lines. big_smile


Re: Beta Test

Well, I haven't updated the lines in quite a while. There's a lot more to do and a lot more to cross off.

The old client will of course stay up while the new one is tested.
As to how a beta will go, it's hard to say. Once I have visibility code redone (going to try this weekend, hopefully a good idea as to how to do it cleanly will spring into my head hmm), and pathfinding, it'll be time to start on the real meat and potatoes, so I do expect by summer to have something substantial, perhaps earlier. I'm coding up a patcher today because it's mindless, it's Friday, and we'll need one anyway. smile

But really it's hard to say. There are always unforeseen difficulties. Open betas are not a good way to start, though, I'll say that much.
If too many people play they get used to how things work are which makes it hard to get objective opinions on changes.


Re: Beta Test

Yea I agree, only a small group at first. Like just Gm's for a while to map edit and the such. Then a small group of people to get there opinions, then maybe a open beta to remove bugs and maybe small changes.

I keep my ideals, because in spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart.


Re: Beta Test

Yep. Initially it probably will be people map editing. After all, if there's nothing for players to do they won't do any proper testing.

On another note, it looks like I'll be making this patcher all weekend (after all, I've got to make a patch maker now that I've made a patcher).
Which is ok, more time to think about how visibility will go. Hopefully the final design will be better for it.


Re: Beta Test

The unfortunate thing about beta testing is that the people who are best at finding bugs and exploits are also the ones most likely to not say anything and keep them to themselves.  That is, the people who are most likely to go searching and to have the experience in searching for them, probably had mal-intent when doing so.


Re: Beta Test

Well this time there should be a reset after the beta, and people who find the most bugs can get something after the reset. Oh and get that bug web page that faldon use to have.

I keep my ideals, because in spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart.


Re: Beta Test

Well, one of the advantages is that this time around, Zer wants to have a completely separate server for beta testing.  It also would remain online after the new client goes live so that GMs can add new things without the players being able to access it.  Then, when something is deemed "finished", it would be updated on the actual game server.  That would allow things like, say, monster tweaks to be done without the risk of screwing up the game in the process.


Re: Beta Test

Oh a test server would be very helpful.

I keep my ideals, because in spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart.


Re: Beta Test

I always like the idea of the Test Server.  I remember when I got my first AB and one of the GM's tested a new scripted and it warped everyone to town and did mstorm or something killed them..... I dropped my first AB and I couldn't prove I had one. lol  That is something that would be expected on a Test Server, so it would prevent that type of thing on the real server.