Topic: HidSharp stream.Write throws an exception
Just started using HidSharp, and love the elegant simplicity of finding devices.
I can succesfully find my device, Open it and attach it to a HidStream
If I do Read's on it as in the demo programs, they timeout as expected because my device will not return any data until it has recd a command.
So when I try to send it a command using stream.Write it always ends up with thisException:
An unhandled exception of type 'System.IO.IOException' occurred in HidSharp.dll
Additional information: Operation failed early.
Its simple enough that I cannot see what I am doing wrong. Running on Windows10 and VS2013. I can duplicate the behavior from HidSharp.Test in CS. And also from my own app in CPP using HidSharp.dll as a reference.
After the stream is open I do
var bytesout = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("CFGR0");
More detail below...
Would appreciate any help figuring this out.
If I break in the debugger it ends up in
public unsafe static void OverlappedOperation(IntPtr ioHandle,
IntPtr eventHandle, int eventTimeout, IntPtr closeEventHandle,
bool overlapResult,
NativeOverlapped* overlapped, out uint bytesTransferred)
bool closed = false;
if (!overlapResult)
int win32Error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
if (win32Error != NativeMethods.ERROR_IO_PENDING)
throw new IOException("Operation failed early.", new Win32Exception());
IntPtr* handles = stackalloc IntPtr[2];