Re: New client can chat

Yeah, you'll be able to change the map viewing angles. It won't be a screen flip since it'll maintain perspective.


Re: New client can chat

Well, since ground and wall tiles are only four-direction, you'll only be able to rotate to four different directions, but it'll mean if you want to see something obscured by a wall for instance that'd be another way to do it (still not sure if I'll have it dither walls out like the old, old client did also).


Re: New client can chat

oh yea that sounds good, so it will just flip the tiles on the map sorta?

I keep my ideals, because in spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart.


Re: New client can chat

I thnik that the rotation would be nice... however, I do see one problem with this idea.  Some of the wall tiles are 2 or even only 1 sided.  That is, some of them have only been rendered for 1 or 2 different directions.  Similarly, some of them don't necessarily rotate in the same directions.. that is, for the tile at i,j where i is the set and j is in individual tile.. for some set i=5, j=0 might be front, j=1 back, j=2 left, j=3 right.  For some other tile set i=8, j=0 front, j=1 left, j=2 back, j=3 right.  Simiarly, some of the REALLY old tiles have their different sides in different i's not j's.


Re: New client can chat

Hmm, I'd forgotten about tiles like that.. like the turrets in the castle tileset.

Maybe it wouldn't be as viable as I'd hoped. Oh well, we'll have to test it. smile

As far as directions not matching up on tiles, I'm thinking all art will have to be transitioned over to a more unified system anyway though, if we're ever going to have a map editor that can figure anything out for people, and just in general...


Re: New client can chat

We don't necessarily have all those old tiles anymore.  However, we could just annoy Matt to render up 5-10 complete tile sets. tongue


Re: New client can chat

Yea those old sets are not to nice, I could try to create some sets, tho havent worked with tiles before.

I keep my ideals, because in spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart.


Re: New client can chat

I no longer have the LW scenes that John used to make the tiles, but I used to.. lol.

Basically, the tiles are all a box of 1x1x4 tall (or something like that) and he had a scene where you just import the model and hit render.  It had 4 frames, each was one of the 4 directions... it just rotated the model.  So, if I can find them or if John or Matt could send them to you...

I only ever made one tile set... the door gates. tongue


Re: New client can chat

Nightsight should be change to minor light(small area is lighten up), you could have nightsight still but harder to cast.

I keep my ideals, because in spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart.


Re: New client can chat

There are four animated door tiles (unless I'm forgetting one or two, which I don't believe I am).  They are:
1) Dark brick castle tiles (like Bastion is made out of)
2) Wooden doors (from English Tudor style tileset)
3) Church doors (from the white church tileset)
4) Gate/bars (the ones I made tongue)

While I agree that more door tiles would be nice, I'd say I've been fairly successful at masking the wooden doors with Wall2 tiles to make other tilesets look like they have doors.  Look at the red brick like I've used so many times... put the wooden doors on Wall1 and put Wall2 red brick arches over them.  Works well.  Similarly, a good effect is placing the lower half of stairs on Wall1 and then putting one of the half-full brick ledges on Wall2 to make a sort of landing.

36 (edited by Zammbi 2005-05-04 21:24:08)

Re: New client can chat

Coma gave me the scene for walls, lets see if I can create somthing ~

and yea your right spec theres only 4 doors, all the rest dont work

I keep my ideals, because in spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart.


Re: New client can chat

Which mine is alot better big_smile

I keep my ideals, because in spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart.