Topic: Birthday

As of yesterday, March 2nd, I'm 21 years old. smile Taking today off from coding, tomorrow I'll be working a bunch on the TextBox control. The GUI is not too far from being useable, though I was thinking I'd spend til the 14th or so of March on it, so with all the extra time I'll just make it really nice. All suggestions are welcome.


Re: Birthday

Happy belated birthday Jim.  Today is my girlfriend's birthday.  So many birthdays.

3 (edited by Zammbi 2005-03-03 23:57:52)

Re: Birthday

happy bithday.

suggestions: A chat filter, it could be temp like blocking . eg Alot of people chating in bchat, and you have people chatting in t, you just want to see the t's for now, but still want to read the bchat latter on.
Maybe a cut/paste in chats/mail/etc.
Make it a alot harder to ghost other people in chats, eg make names a colour and the chat another colour.
A market filter or a max amount on items you can sell, or  increase the max amount of items that can be seen on the market.
A option to see sent mail.

I keep my ideals, because in spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart.


Re: Birthday

Yea chat views would be better. It would be better if gms could delete items off the market, tho I would like to see a max amount to be sold on the market, and a filter would be great smile

I keep my ideals, because in spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart.


Re: Birthday

Jimmy you better drink something you pansey!

heh, anyhow, Ive always been fond of the "s <text>" or "b <text>" ect, its a good system...

however im not sure exactly what textbox code pertains to but when it comes time to code the *following, it will either keep faldon small time or break it out of the small community sydrom it has...

*Kill notifications - (completly irrelevant, ammusing when your a small game and everyone knows each other but it is becoming and will become major spam)

*Login notifications - (again I remimber about 3 summers ago we had roughly 80-90 players on at peak times, and the green log in/out msgs ALONE made bcast useless)

and for those 2, there ARE filters, but I dont think they will have any use at all in a larger player base which I really would like to see.  What they Should be is for your guild members or friends only.

*Broadcast - (this needs some major revision, channels were an excellent atempt at a fix, but they are arn't practicle.)

Id really like to see faldon with like 300+ players per server and we will need a differn't design for the communication aspect smile


Re: Birthday

Yea login/logout could be removed since it is useless. Tho maybe you could make a friends list which tells if they login or so.
I dont agree with bchat removed, I say just spited up. Instead of always loging in main chat straight away, maybe you have to pick which one to join first.
kills message should only work when you killed someone(only you see it, and the person you killed), or if a party member has died as tyrr said.

I keep my ideals, because in spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart.


Re: Birthday

I think removing BChat would be a good idea, but perhaps not for Faldon... simply because, that is the only reason some people log onto the game.  Instead, perhaps a resizable/(un)dockable chat window (as I suggested in the other thread) would be a slightly better option.  I'm not sure, it all depends on the person I suppose.


Re: Birthday

A small idea: getting a message in the white chat saying you got mail when you get it. Instead of when you just log on.

I keep my ideals, because in spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart.


Re: Birthday

tongue I feel old..  21 was a good age.. I could go to a bar and drink and get trash with out being kicked out for not being 21 or over.... Do a Few Minderasers and hate me in he morning for saying you should drink them..


Re: Birthday

This kind of goes back to the IRC style chat ideas.  smile