Jimmy you better drink something you pansey!
heh, anyhow, Ive always been fond of the "s <text>" or "b <text>" ect, its a good system...
however im not sure exactly what textbox code pertains to but when it comes time to code the *following, it will either keep faldon small time or break it out of the small community sydrom it has...
*Kill notifications - (completly irrelevant, ammusing when your a small game and everyone knows each other but it is becoming and will become major spam)
*Login notifications - (again I remimber about 3 summers ago we had roughly 80-90 players on at peak times, and the green log in/out msgs ALONE made bcast useless)
and for those 2, there ARE filters, but I dont think they will have any use at all in a larger player base which I really would like to see. What they Should be is for your guild members or friends only.
*Broadcast - (this needs some major revision, channels were an excellent atempt at a fix, but they are arn't practicle.)
Id really like to see faldon with like 300+ players per server and we will need a differn't design for the communication aspect