I don't know if I agree 100% with any of the systems, although I have to admit that I would have never thought of some of them (i.e. setting up attacks as a list with queues). If I was making an attack system I would make it sort of a sliding tug of war thing. I may be oversimplifying things and/or touching on ground already covered in these posts (long posts on small monitors tend to start fading into a series of blah blahs... when I read them)
But dig this little scenerio where a player attacks a monster with the ultimate goal obviously being taking the monster down to 0% health.
Monster (100%) --- Player 1 (0%)
10/10 hp --- Player 2 (0%)
after attack (let's pretend each attack does 1 dmg)
Monster (80%) - Player 1 (10%)
8/10hp -Player 2 (10%)
monster heals 1 pt health
Monster (90%) - Player 1 (5%)
9/10hp -Player 2 (5%)
now say another player comes in for the attack and all three attack.
Monster (60%) -Player 1 (15%)
6/10 -Player 2 (15%)
-Player 3 (10%)
Now say player 1 dies but other two get hits
Monster (40%) - Player 1 (15%)
4/10 - Player 2 (25%)
-Player 3 (20%)
And so on and so forth until the monster is at 0%, in which case the players get their respective percentages of the total exp the monster has.
As a monster heals, the percentages slide from players equally until the monster has 100% of it's health again and the player has 0% in which point the link is broken between the player and the monster.
Again, I feel like I might be oversimplifying this, but please feel free to shoot down any flaws in this system.